Chiropractic care is a hands-on approach to wellness that focuses on aligning the spine and supporting the body’s natural healing processes. Through gentle adjustments and targeted therapies, our chiropractors help relieve discomfort, improve mobility, and bring balance to the nervous system. Whether addressing back pain, headaches, or everyday tension, chiropractic services aim to unlock your body’s potential for lasting health.
Our Olympia, Washington area chiropractic practice provides care that’s tailored to each individual - whether it’s a newborn or a seasoned adult, every treatment plan is designed with your unique needs in mind. Chiropractic isn’t just about pain relief; it’s about promoting wellness that supports an active, balanced life. With a focus on restoring alignment and enhancing physical comfort, our goal is to help you feel your best, every day.
Studies of the benefits of chiropractic demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for the following:
Knee, posture, jaw, ear, back, shoulder, and hand problems
Nerve pain
Flank pain
Auto injuries
Office injuries
Athletic injuries
Pregnancy care
Pediatric and infant care
Beyond specific health concerns, many people appreciate chiropractic care for its ability to enhance overall wellness, promoting balance, flexibility, and a sense of rejuvenation.
Chiropractic is a science, philosophy and art which concerns itself with the structure and function of the spine, and extremities, and its relationship to health as a state of optimal physical, mental, and social well-being.
In this office, we examine and treat structures ranging from joints, bones, muscles, fascia, nerves, ligaments, and tendons, as they relate to overload from postural problems, traumatic injury, or repetitive stress that may result in pain and dysfunction or may be entirely asymptomatic*.
We approach patient care by using combinations of the following:
An adjustment is the specific application of mechanical force, applied manually or by instrument, that stimulates reflexes that can lead to therapeutic benefit, such as decreased pain, increased range of motion, increased function, improved proprioception (spatial sense and balance), improved muscular protective reflexes (coordination), and stimulates healing and repair. See note on X-Ray under that section.
We use a variety of methods from Trigger Point Therapy, Active Release Techniques, and stretching protocols, to IASTM (instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation).
We tailor exercises specifically to the therapeutic needs of each patient, whether it be for postural issues, strength and endurance, or injury rehabilitation and range of motion. We always “feather” our patients into exercises to minimize re-injury and to maximize repair. In the final stages of rehabilitation, we will often use eccentric exercises (negatives), for optimal repair.
Along with classic types of traction to relieve nerve compression and irritation issues, we use traction directionally, as well. We use this to facilitate postural repair and to restore normal spinal geometry based on the model of Chiropractic Biophysics.
Proprioception refers to our sense of body position in space and influences our balance and ability to protect ourselves through safe, coordinated movement. We improve this through use of a variety of neuromuscular rehabilitative techniques such as balance and coordination exercises, pnf (proprioceptive neurofacilitation) stretching, dynamic taping utilizing kinesio taping methods, and improving muscle communication and response via specific soft-tissue movement and mobilization techniques.
We work to improve function through a variety of methods that address movement patterns of specific structures and body parts that lead to the ability to return to the activities we both enjoy and need to carry out our daily tasks.
Inflammation is our bodies response to any injury resulting in repair. While it is a critical process that must happen in order for healing to happen, it can also become a hindrance when it spirals out of control. We attempt to limit this phenomenon through the use of ice/heat, and specific anti-inflammatory nutrients while avoiding specific pro-inflammatory nutrients.
Through reviewing and recommending, or modifying other life patterns that impact health such as diet, rest, positional habits, exercise, work, recreation, and social stressors, we are able to move toward the final frontier of SELF management, for many of the issues that patients seek care for at this office and others.
We do not require X-Rays for all patients. Depending upon patient history and/or individual circumstances, X-Ray is sometimes used in this office. Use is determined case by case, and will be discussed during your visit if your specific findings indicate the use of X-Ray examination.
*Referral Note: Our treatment methods are not appropriate for everyone. If at the beginning or during the course of care we encounter a non-chiropractic finding, we will advise you of those findings and recommend some further testing or refer you out to another health care provider.